VELBUS grafic software?

i am searching for software for pc to make a grafic sreen with mij home so that i can look witch relais are activated en deactivated en also can activated en deactivated on the screen

is there somebody ho can help me?
thx Frank

Do you want to use it on an in-wall touchscreen ? on you desktop ? What is exactly your purpose ?

This tool can control relay modules: Flex Velbus connection demo tool
The source code is available and can be changed to make a more suitable interface according to your needs.
Be aware that it needs VelbusLink 6 running in server mode in order to connect to the velbus.

We are working on new controlling software for our Velbus system.
It will run also on a flat panel PC with a touch panel.

[quote=“VEL456”]We are working on new controlling software for our Velbus system.
It will run also on a flat panel PC with a touch panel.

Looks very promissing! Looking forward for more details! :wink:

I think Velbus really needs something like this.

Great! Is this just a mockup or a screenshot of a real alpha/beta version?
If this is to be expected anytime soon I might stop developing my own touchscreen interface.

That is actually working software that we’re currently testing for touchscreens

how is the graphic software going to connect? Thrue network :smiley:. My velbus server proggie is still working fine after 3 months without any crash and with data at least every minute (I do a temp request to 3 ts’s every minute for some logging).

ps I’m still working on a server wich act’s as an plc for velbus. At the moment it’s allready working on a k8055 in combination with a 1wire server (also running stable right now). When I’ve got a bit of time I’ll implement velbus (I need this my self for ie. the bathroom, 1 dimmer with pushbutton control for the main light, one relais at the mirror light and one relais at the dressing. Problem is that when leaving the bathroom all the lights has to shutdown when I leave the bathroom without an auxilairy switch, so when the dimmer sends out an led’s off signal the other lights have to go off etc etc)

The touchscreen software is client/server software over TCP/IP. You can put the server part anywhere, connect it to the Velbus, and then graphic client(s) connect to it.

I suppose it has been developped in WPF. Or Silverlight maybe ?
Will it be opensource ? I was already working on such a solution …

If you develop a client/server application, I suppose you have a TCP Server module in your cardboards ? :wink:
I couldn’t wait for that !!!

Any news on the Velbus Controlling software as shown above? Please keep us informed ! :wink:

I would like to know too if this is going to be released some day because i’m developing my own touchscreen interface. Might be a waste of time if you guys bring out a better one in some time…

Here is a screenshot of my very ugly test version, currently showing 1 floor:

At the moment it works and even my girlfriend knows how to use it :wink:
Would like to port the whole thing to WPF for some more eyecandy but that’s going to take some time.
By the way, the lamps, temps and dimmers are custom controls which connect to the velbus system via a hidden velbusconnector control so it’s possible to quickly develop an interface for another building.

It runs on a Asus eeeTop touchscreen PC which hangs on the wall in my living room.

well done :slight_smile:
looking forward to see more of your app!

Hello Velleman,

When will you relaes the first version of this grafic interface, maybe veleman can set a link on this topic, so we can test the soft :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: en comunicate the bugs to resolve them…

I hope this soft will be freeware :slight_smile:

Just found this link:

Looks like the new release of a software called HomeCenter will implement Velbus.

Velleman people, please give us some info.

Ok, seems to be commercial software so I guess it won’t be freeware.
Time to port my app to WPF, I’ll keep you guys posted if anyone is interested.
I’m planning to share the source. :wink:

@Cantryn Looking forward to your tool!