Is there any way I can link the HAM263D alarm system to the velbus in such a way that:
-A panic function is triggered on the velbus when the alarm is active.
-Use the same PIR detectors from the alarm system to put lights on automatically.
Any idea how it would be possible? Since the alarm system has 12V output signals it must be possible somehow… I didn’t really read the programming guide(API) of the velbus yet so I don’t know if it’s possible to control the velbus live. But if so, I was thinking of using a relay card reading input signals to a computer (which is also used for some CAMIP4N camera’s) which could control the velbus. On the other hand, introducing a relatively unstable component such as a PC in a security system is never a good idea…
Would it be possible to link the 12v outputs of the alarmsystem directly to the push button inputs on the DIN rail components?
you can connect your alarm output if it is a potential free contact ( normaly open) into a vmb6in dinrail module. if your alarm output gives 12V on activation then i use a 12V relais and use the n.o. contact.