I have arranged for our external post-box to be able to generate velbus events.
(433MHz radio TX from ebay in the post-box, and a little home-made arduino radio module with 8 outputs directly connected to a VMB8PBU connected to my velbus in the loft). I thought 8 radio channels from arbitrary things that can be set to make velbus events would be useful. There are also some very cheap battery operated PIR-detector with 433MHz transmitter that I think should work well with this.
So… now what to do with this inside the house? I could just have the arduino send another radio signal to an off-the-shelf cheap doorbell module but it would be nice to use the velbus.
I am thinking a simple “Bing Bong” sound, or something like that, inside the house might be good.
Maybe I should just make something but I thought I should check first… Is there an already existing “Box” that can respond to velbus or radio triggers and make different sounds.