Configuration Sensor of movement to switch light on


I bought a sensor of movement TLC-360 - Passive Infrared detectors, a VMB4RYLD module and a VMB6IN module all linked to a source of light. All parts are functional and everytime someone passes the sensor the lights switch on. However, I’d like to know if the following is possible: As it is a place with a lot of natural light, I’d like the lights to switch on only between 7 pm and 8 am. Is this possible? Can it be configured so as to work only during the set time? If so, can anyone help me with this? I’d really like to avoid wasting energy.

Best regards


Put a clock between your movement sensor and your input on the vmb6in module. Program the clock to switch on between 7pm and 8am. If you write your own program then you may take a look at ‘A velbus server mode tool’. On page 4 there is my program where i use the sunset and sunfall to trigger my outside lights when there is movement detected by a PIR.

Hope this will help you on your way.
