Dimmer configuration


what i want to creat:

start: output=off
=> push button pressed: output=on
=> push button pressed for longer time: output=on, after 5 seconds dim out

start: output=on
=> push button pressed: output=off
=> push button pressed for longer time: no action

how can i create something like this? what modules do i need?

Do you use 2 pushbuttons or 1 pushbutton?

best thing would be with one push button,
but if 2 are needed, i can use 2

doesn’t mather, still in design phase :slight_smile:

start: output=off
=> push button pressed: output=on
=> push button pressed for longer time: output=on, after 5 seconds dim out
set dimmer operation mode to Slow-off dimmer
set dimmer time setting to 5s

start: output=on
=> push button pressed: output=off
=> push button pressed for longer time: no action
set dimmer operation to dimmer
set dimmer time setting to ON-OFF

use for configuration velbuslink 8.2

You need 1 VMBDM1, 1 VMB8PB, 1 VMBRS or 1 VMBUSB,2 pushbuttons, powersupply and velbuslink 8.2(download for free at velbus)

hope this will help you

about the modules:

VMBDM1 = dimmer
VMB8PB = 8 pushbuttons
VMBUSB = vellbus to usb interface
VMBRS = ???

is this possible with the same dimmer?
because i don’t find a place (in velbuslink) to configure the dimmer operation, so i guess its something on the module …

VMBRS = velbus to RS232 module.

in velbuslink 8.2 select the module you want to configure, goto actions, select add. next screen topline select interface(vmb8pb) and channel. second line select module for action(vmb1dm). next select action.

first case select action n° 4 (set operationmode to 6 or E and time setting to 1 on dimmermodule)

second case select action n° 3
