HA: add-on activation


How do I activate add-on in Home Assistant (Signum installation)? I activated Advanced Mode in personal setting, but add-on is still not active?

Many thanks!

There are no add-ons available at this time for a Signum with Home Assistant.

How can I edit the configuration.yaml?

There’s no possibility at this time to edit those, but we’re working on making it available to change configuration.yaml.

Many thanks for your quick respons.
What’s your timeline? Is beta testing possible?
It seems ridiculous to me to use another raspberry pi with a classic OS installation of HA when it is already present in fact.
Kind regards,

When is the VELBUS team planning to make the advanced mode available so users with HA installed on their signum can edit the configuration.yaml file?
I have HA installed on the signum, but I would consider changing this to a different device because of the current limitations (definitely if I still have to wait a long time before the advanced mode will become available).
Currently I cannot add an integration like RESTful command, which offer plenty of further possibilities.
Due to the limitations I can also not add certain other integrations (like my solar panel system), because the existing integration available through the UI is outdated.
That is such a bummer.
I understand that Velbus doesn’t want users to change the configuration of the Velbus integration, but I think that’s not what most users are after.
Making changes to the Velbus integration would be on the own risk of the user and every user will understand that.
Can someone from the VELBUS team at least give an indication when the advanced mode will become available?

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Is there a way to know which version of HA is running on the Signum?
And for that, would it be possible to update to the latest version of HA?

Like HA_19 mentioned, there are some limitations in the current version and for some integrations, it looks like I would need an updated version for some integrations to work properly.

You can add an integration called “Version”. When you open this integration, you will see the current version of your HA Core instance (probably still a 2023 version).

FYI: I contacted Velbus through customer service and asked if you can simultaneously run another HA instance on another machine, like a Synology NAS in my case. They answered me that this is not a problem, but I would be depending on the “community” integration of Velbus and not their “official” integration.
So now I’m running HA in a container on my Synology NAS and I can update to the latest version (or stable version) if I want. I added the “community” integration. Everything runs smoothly and I didn’t need to uninstall the HA instance on the Signum (which still exists, but I don’t use it anymore).

Many thanks for your feedback. I will try the same.
Did you use this one?

Yes. To my knowledge, there is no other one.
Good luck!

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We’re currently working on an advanced mode which will allow to modify the configuration.yaml. We don’t have a timeline yet, but it’s pretty much in front of any other features.

We haven’t been able to catch up yet to the latest release, but planning to do so and to follow more close to the schedule in the future.

More information about the deciseons made can be found here: https://www.velbus.eu/blog/latest-news-1/home-assistant-upgrade-27#Frequently-Asked-Questions

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