HASSIO velbusd addon

todya i can release my velbusd addon for hassio.

With this addon you can simply connect your hassio device to the serial bus, let hassio connect to the local tcp/ip port and also provide connectivity for velbuslink.

This addon was requested multiple time, and now its finished and useable


This is great! I assume I can connect the Velbus integration to after installing this plugin?

if you configure the addong to use port 3678 yes, the port is configureable in the addon

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So the IP when connecting with Velbuslink should be the IP of the home assistance host, which should be “homeassistant.local” by default?

Correct, this should work

Yes, that indeed works. Thanks for the useful add-on!
Should I add the Velbus integration through USB or TCP/IP?

if you use the addon it will be tcp/ip

hi @cereal
This was exactly what I needed. Got my setup up and running again in HAOS, thanks to your addon!
@MDAR : thanks for pointing this out. Installation is working again, and far more easy to manage!

Keep up the great work guys!

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Thank you for your Addon.
I have installed your Addon en selected the Velbus USB.
I disable in the Velbus integration the USB en ADD tcp connection.
Afther this is see not all my devices. On the USB i see 23 en on TCP 11. and on the entity i see on the usb 400 and on tcp 100. Can you explain what id o wrong? On the Velbus link i see not al my device too

if even velbuslink does not see all devices i start to think there must be something wrong on your bus.

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Cereal, what is the difference with the existing addon (Velbus - Home Assistant)?

As far as I understand.

This Addon is a USB to TCP gateway, much as VelServ and Velbus-tcp, however this one sits within the HomeAssistant environment.

Whereas the Velbus Integration within HomeAssistant is where the magic happens, converting Velbus data packets (passed directly from the USB connection or the VelbusD TCP gateway) to a format that HA understands.