Home assistant on raspberry pi not showing all devices

I’m setting up a Pi at a friends place with a home assistant. They have already a HA Velbus signum up and running, but because that HA has not a full functionallity, I’m trying to setup one on a PI.
I was able to install the Velbus integration following these instructions: Velbus - Home Assistant
A was also able to connect to the Velbus using the tls link. But not all devices are showing up.
Screenshot of velbus signum with all devices:

Screenshot of velbus on the pi, with not all devices. For example none of the switches are found.

Can someone help, or did I miss a forum post with the solution?
Thanks in advance

Let me know if I can provide more usefull information

Previous advice seems to be too wait…

Apparently, it’s a slow process to get all the data required.

I have the same issue.
Also having a Signum running HA and a mini PC running HA.
The mini PC is actually the HA being used.
The Velbus integation on the mini PC HA is showing a lot less devices compared with the Signum who shows all devices (50+)
In HA you can do a scan or clear cache, I only don’t know where to find the config_entry ID to put in. I supposed this is from HA on the Signum?

As far as I’m aware, your full instance of HA does have full functionality, it’s just that some elements are hidden by default.

The full HA only shows 27 devices, looking in the Signum HA I have 802 devices and 2400+ entities.
So it looks that the full HA is not loading all devices from the Signum.