I’m setting up a Pi at a friends place with a home assistant. They have already a HA Velbus signum up and running, but because that HA has not a full functionallity, I’m trying to setup one on a PI.
I was able to install the Velbus integration following these instructions: Velbus - Home Assistant
A was also able to connect to the Velbus using the tls link. But not all devices are showing up.
Screenshot of velbus signum with all devices:
I have the same issue.
Also having a Signum running HA and a mini PC running HA.
The mini PC is actually the HA being used.
The Velbus integation on the mini PC HA is showing a lot less devices compared with the Signum who shows all devices (50+)
In HA you can do a scan or clear cache, I only don’t know where to find the config_entry ID to put in. I supposed this is from HA on the Signum?
The full HA only shows 27 devices, looking in the Signum HA I have 802 devices and 2400+ entities.
So it looks that the full HA is not loading all devices from the Signum.