Is there a best way to set name of modules?

As I’m under Linux, I meet some problem to execute VelbusLink (I still have a Windows partition for that).
I’m trying to write an API with NodeJS to have more control on my 300 and more submodules. When I read documentation, each type of module have different memory addresses for name… hard to manage.
So Velbus dev, have you some tips and best methods to change submodules names?


By the way, a Linux compatible app would be great…
For now Wine give this result:

Reference topic: VelbusLink on linux/macos - #4 by PrzemoF
I doesn’t work for me any more (same white window as yours), but it might depend on the graphics card driver, so you might give it a shot.

It might be works to ask Lutris community for help…
Edit: VelbusLink - need assistance with white artefact covering window - Support - Lutris Forums

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Thanks a lot to you!
I’ve passed long time today with many “bottle” (linux wine GUI) settings (soda 9 engine, etc.) but still have blank windows. Hope Lutris community will have some solutions.

I’ll post an update in a next few minutes - it works again!

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Great idea to have something under Linux. Afterall demotics systems tend to run Linux (in my case OpenHab).

But I can confirm the module interface is tricky and has evolved over time. I tried to “clone” some modules and with the older modules there is not much consistency in the way the memory was used (probably also due to limited amounts of flash memory in older micro processors). It got better for the new modules (on the interface, the memory is just a bunch of bytes, instead of specific commands for each supported feature.

Will monitor your progress.

Good luck anyway!

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