Succesfully integrated the kWh counter in the velbus system, so i can read out live and daily consumation.
Now i was wondering if there is a way to see historical data, is that data logged somewhere maybe on hourly\daily base?
If you configure a VMBGPODx to show it, you can check the consumption (also past consumption), but maybe you already found that?
The data is logged in the VMBGPOD memory, but we have not yet developed an interface in Velbuslink to export it. For those who know how to program, the VMBGPOD protocol has all the info.
Al right, indeed the following is visible on the VMBGPODx display:
‘live’ actual value (if value is higher than 68Watt)
Summary of the day, which get’s reset at midnight.
Total (coming from EMDIN03)
And exactly the missing link is to read out the memory of the VMBGPODx, so i don’t have to write the value down and put it in an excel file on daily base
Unfortunately I don’t have the program skills, so I’ll have to wait until somebody has some free time on a rainy day