Maximum of VMB8PB and VMB4PD modules on 1 bus

Am I right when I suppose that the maximum number of VMB8PB (30mA max consumption) and VMB4PD (27mA max consumption) modules is limited to +/- 33? (1000mA / 30mA consumption per module)?

When you need more than 33 modules, do you have to use a second bus? And how do you link the 2 busses than?

Thanks in advance

This is the max. number of such modules per output of the power supply module.
As the power supply module outputs have the ground in common, you can continue with a second or third output if necessary.
Bus signals are separated from supply, so no problems there.

Indeed, I was confused.
thanks for the quick reply.


Hello again,

still one little question: are 2 little cables of a UTP cat5e cable sufficient to power 18 VMB8PB + 3 VMB4PD modules that are present on my bus? Can such a cable deliver enough current?

And which is the best best cable to power all the velbus modules after a VMB3PS power module?

Thanks in advance

[quote=“VEL417”]This is the max. number of such modules per output of the power supply module.
As the power supply module outputs have the ground in common, you can continue with a second or third output if necessary.
Bus signals are separated from supply, so no problems there.[/quote]

Maybe a small scheme is better than long words :wink:

Yes, I understand this perfectly, but my question was: can a UTP cable deliver sufficient current in order to feed all those 33 modules, are 2 wires of the UTP cable thick enough?

Sorry, my message wouldn’t hurt you but I think that lot of beginners in domotic (and without knowledge in electronic) would appreciate to have a clear view for this :slight_smile:

The best you can do is connecting 2 or 3 pairs of the UTP in parallel for the power supply.

That’s exactly what I did. Works like a charm…
Thanks !!