this message is more for Velbus team because I’ve searched in all protocol documentation and I can’t enumere all kind of modules or some numbers are missing :
1) Module’s type missing (no PDF protocol doc) :
2) missing type numbers :
For the rest, it would be ok
; Velbus Modules type constantes
; ==============================
#VMB8PB = $01 ; 8 push buttons
#VMB1RY = $02 ; 1 relay
#VMB1BL = $03 ; 1 blind
#VMB6IN = $05 ; 6 input
#VMB1DM = $07 ; 1 dimmer
#VMB4RY = $08 ; 4 relays
#VMB2BL = $09 ; 2 Blinds
#VMB4PD = $0B ; 4 push buttons with display
#VMB1TS = $0C ; 1 temperature sensor
#VMB1TC = $0E ; 1 temperature controller
#VMB1LED = $0F ; 1 LED controller
#VMB4RYLD = $10 ; 4 relays (common power source)
#VMB4RYNO = $11 ; 4 relays (without push button and hex switch)
#VMB4DC = $12 ; 4 channel controller (0..10V)
#VMBDME = $14 ; 1 dimmer for electronic transformer
#VMBDMI = $15 ; 1 dimmer for inductive load
#VMB8PBU = $16
#VMB6PBN = $17 ; 6 push buttons (Niko compatible)
#VMB2PBAN = $18 ; Push button Niko type 1 or 2
#VMB2PBN = $18 ; |_ same but different color led
#VMB4RF = $1A ; 4 channels wireless remote controller