I want to install a movement detector on my velbus system.
Now i have been to an elektro shop. The told me that i could use a niko 420-00100. (combination with: 161-78400 )
My problem: how do you install a 230v detector on a 12 V system? Can someone help me please.S
So i can give tips to my eletrician.
He does not know either how to install the movement detector.
Either you get a 12V detector (there are plenty of detectors in our range of alarm products) or you power a 220V relay with your 220V detector or you open the 220V detector and modify the circuit so that you get a dry contact instead of 220V out. Please don’t ask how to do this, every detector is different and if you do not feel confident, then don’t do it.
Ik think I almost know how to do it.
I noticed that the motiondetector opens the relay for 5 seconds, after he noticed a motion. Is het a problem for the velbus module to receive a pulse of 5 seconds and more?
And can he starts a timer from an output module after the pulse is closed? Thanks for the reply.