Hi all
I’m new with Velbus and I would need some help…
I want to turn on/off 2 lights with one button…
short touch on button 2: turn on light 1
long touch on button 2: turn on light 2
how can I program another step on button 2 to turn the lights off?
June 27, 2017, 7:40pm
Hi Sven
Welcome to the wonderful world of Velbus.
There are many different ways is achieving this, so please don’t just accept one answer
If it were me…
I would simply set your actions to a kind of Toggle.
In this case, a start / stop timer using the short and long time-out settings.
Press on Button = Start / Stop timer light 1, short press (set your timeout) , Long Press = no action
Press on Button = Start / Stop timer light 2, short press = no action, Long Press (set your timeout)
Does that make sense?
There are plenty of other ways you can explore.
Including changing the mode of the button to become a dual function button for example.
Good luck,
thanks for the quick reply
maybe i should give a bit more information:
the lights will be used frequently and when they’re switched on, they will be on during a longer period (a timer is not an option)
toggling seems ‘waste of energy’ because when i would shutt off light 1 i firstly turn on light 2
June 27, 2017, 8:33pm
Have you looked closely at the start / stop timer options before you discard them?
Please give it a go and road test it
I’ll happily keep helping you.
Good luck,
June 28, 2017, 7:27am
This works:
set button 2 to dual mode, with long press activating eg. button 8. (More info on dual mode in the Velbus Installation guide Part 2, free download on www.velbus.eu > sidebar to the right.)
Then create following 2 actions:
Button 2 does an on/off (toggle) on relay 1.
Button 8 does an on/off (toggle) on relay 2.
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This is something i’ve done
but in this case i’ve to push 2 time’s the button to turn the lights off… and i just want to push one time…
i’ll take a closer look to the timers
can you give some more information about this solution?
June 29, 2017, 7:29am
Ok, I didn’t get what you wanted exactly.
So what you want is probably this:
set button 2 to dual mode, with long press activating eg. button 8.
Then create following 4 actions:
Button 2 -> relay 1: on/off (toggle)
Button 8 -> relay 2: on/off (toggle)
Relay 2 -> virtual relay: action 17, start timer when initiator opens
Virtual relay -> relay 1: action 2, off.
If the lights are on, one long press will turn them both off.
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