Since several weeks, I’m no longer able to establish a communication between the PC and my Velbus installation. The Velbus installation itself is working fine, no issues.
I have:
- at Location 1A: 1 VMB6IN, 1VMBRYNO and a power supply.
- at location 1B: 1 VMBPD
- at location 2: 2 x VMBRYNO + 1 VMB6IN
- at location 3: 1 VMB6IN + 1 VMBRYNO
- at location 4: 1 VMBUSB
Everything is connected through UTP5 cabling: between 1A en 1B: 1m dist; between 1A and 4: 6m dist; between 1A and 2: 20m dist; between 2 and 3: 20m dist. There is termination at location 3 and at location 4.
As I explained, everything is working fine except for the VMBUSB since several weeks.
On the VMB1USB, the 2 yellow leds ‘3’ are starting to flash alternately as soon as I connect an USB cable to the PC. This should mean ( according the user manual ): ’ too high USB power consumption ‘.
As soon as I start ’ scanning’, a message appears that there was an error. In the logs, I’m seeing a ’ Buffer Full’ message and the bus stops. After a few secconds, the bus restarts and the error message disappers.
- I changed the VMBUSB today with a brand new module, but same result.
- I tried changing voltage on the power supply ( from 11,5V up to 13,5 V ): no result…
- I experimented by changing the termintions: no result…
- I disconnected the modules at location 3 ( which is the longest distance ): no result…
What else can I do ?
What exactly does ’ too high USB power consumption mean ’ , ( is it the USB port of my PC ?)
Can anyone suggest something ?
Thanks in advance,