Programming the VMB4PB with the VelBusLink software


I received today my VMB4PB and want to test it now completely. I have some questions for configuring it via the VelBusLink software.

I want to replace my existing K8006 DOMOTICA LIGHT SYSTEM - BUSPRINT with K8068 dimmers with the VelBus system.

I want to program the feature that, when I hold short the connected push button, the light should toggle on or off. When I push and hold the button, I want to dim up and down the light.

I found the place where I can program the button (in my case button 4) to toggle the dimmer. But where or how can I configure the same but with the hold from button 4 that I dim?

1 important thing that is nice and handy, and that I want to keep is the memory function. So when I enable the dimmer, it will be the value that was when I last disabled the light.

I hope this is possible with the Velbus system? I read somewhere that you can program the buttons on click, on hold and on release? Can’t find that one untill now in the VelBusLink software.

Kind regards,

Short and long press is not determined on the pushbutton panel. Configure your dimmer to dimmer with memory (Mode 3), set the time to infinite (Time: F) and learn the button as a dimmer (C1) .

I will try that, thanks.

I foresee 3 dimmers for the 3 lightning zones in my living room.
Will it be the same then that I have to assign the 3 dimmers with 1 button on the 4PB?

Besides that, it is possible to program a button on the 4 PB to set those 3 dimmers to set them to 25% (for instance if I want to program a button 'Watch TV".

Is there already an answer to the questions in previous post? I want to do more or less the same: one button labeled “full light” to control 3 dimmers to go to 100%. An other button labelled “TV”, to put those 3 dimmers to 50%. If this possible? How?


You can assign one button (full light) to the 3 dimmers with the ‘ON’ function. Put the address of the first dimmer at ‘E1’ and press the “Full light” button until the light turns on. Set the address to its original value. Repeat these steps for the other two dimmers.
The second button (TV) can you assign to the 3 dimmers as an atmospheric button.
Put the adress of the first dimmer at ‘91’ and press the “TV” button until the light turns on. Place the adress of the first dimmer at ‘81’ and dim the light at the desired value by activating the “TV” button. Set the address to its original value. Repeat the same process for the other two dimmers.
It’s also possible to configure the 3 dimmer via the velbuslink software.