I need to understand how it works for address : could this module answer to two or more different addresses ?
One address for 4 buttons, the second for temp sensor ???
Can “temp sensor” and “buttons” share the same address ?
As it support 8 pages (32 buttons), is it necessary to use one address by page or the button format message has change (one bit by button on VMB4PD) ?
It might also be useful to know that the temperature data can be accessed from the base address, while the heater, Cooler, Boost, Pump and 4 alarm status’ are represented as button events on the 5th address (Sub address 4).
it’s my opinion too… but I’ve some mistake with VMB1TS (7 bits UP when sending a button status with function byte is $00) and would to have a clear info : is it possible to have button 1 and 3 pressed at same time (so, $00 function show binary button as 00000101 = 5(decimal) ) ?.?