Yes the Openhab state is changing when I press a button on a Velbus panel.So this seems to be OK.
I downloaded version 2.5.11 because a previous version did not read out the trigger outputs on the VMBPIRO. Now this works in the 2.5.11 but not the motion outputs on the VMBPIRO. But that is another issue see: Triggering Motion outputs VMBPIRO in OpenHab?
What is the latest stable and updated Velbus binding released by Cedric? Sometime it is hard to have an overview of what version works with what version of OH.
Will check the CamelCases issue too on Wednesday and I will come back to you.
In the meantime I upgraded OH to version 2.5.10 and I’m using the Velbus binding 2.5.10 that came with the OH upgrade.
Still no return of any thermostat value in Visual studio code.
Okay, so you’re jumping ahead before I can reply to a message.
Given that you now know there is a breaking change when moving to the latest Velbus binding, which may or may not contain a bug in the Network Bridge (Cédric has fixed the bug, we just don’t know if the fix has been pulled into the main branch yet, I suppose I will have have to test it on a fresh setup) UPDATE
Yes, Velbus binding version 2.5.10 does contain the bug fix for the network binding
What you’ll have to do now, is delete the Velbus Things and add them again in PaperUi.
This is to ‘re-profile’ them, so that they show their channels with camelCase and take on any new functionality.
One other thought that occurred to me is…
Have you removed the Jar file from the addons folder, before loading the binding from PaperUI?
Then, did you ensure that no artifact of the older binding is still present?
Use kafaf to reveal which and how many Velbus bindings you have active / installed.
openhab-cli console
Password is habopen
Within the console, run either of these commands, to show the bindings and their states and version numbers.
Okay, so I have quickly setup a completely fresh machine with openHAB2.5.10 and used PaperUI to install the Velbus binding.
The results are all good and it looks like the bug fix for the Network Bridge has been incorporated. (this test was done with a Network Bridge, via VelServ)
This is what I can see from a room thermostat
(Which is the important stuff that proves the Velbus network is able to pass data back to openHAB
Hi Stuart,
Bought a new PI4 and I installed OH from scratch and now I’m getting the thermostat values of VMBGPOD . Your idea of setting up a fresh setup was the solution to my problem.
One last question…
The thermostat values can be read now as a number. Can they also be set (decreased/increased) e.g. using a widget. Would like to setup them in a HABpanel.
Thanks YOU very much for your wisdom
Best regards,
PS: tried also to use the light depended motion outputs of the WMBPIRO but they aren’t triggering when then should
Great Stuart. I’ll will check it when I have some time.
Right now I didn’t use the thermostat functions of the Velbus glass panels because I didn’t have a heating system with zone valves. Next year we are renovating our house and also the heating system. What is on my mind now is controlling the thermostat features from a tablet (widgets) but if you wanna program the day and week programs can this be done from a tablet (read openhab)? Would like to have a week program view on a tablet so I can change the heating hours of every zone fast and easily rather than setting up this in the glass panels. It’s just my thought. Is this a good idea or would you recommend to stick with the Velbus panels for day and week programming of the heating system? I don’t have a lot of experience working this way.
Just curious what type of valves you can recommend?
Sorry for restarting this discussion, but what was the final solution? I’m trying for 5 days now to read/write these values but it always returns Null…
I would like to Control my Velbus temperature through OH. So the valse currentsetpoint, mode, etc are the ones i’d like to manage.
Within a couple of months, AC will be installed (Connected with MELCloud) and i’d like to Control it using Velbus/OH.
<=V2.5 requires a slightly different configuration to =>V2.6 and V3
Linking your Velbus thermostat/s to the MELcloud service will take a bit of work, but shouldn’t be impossible once you have the various Items in openHAB.
(That part is probably best to post on the openHAB forum, but I’m happy to help either way)
These screen shots are from BasicUI within openHAB V3.4, just an easy way to show you that it works