i’m trying to control an existing velbus system with a Crestron controller connected to the VMB1RS.
I’ve read every manual i could find and at this point i can:
-Recieve packets and feedback from the velbus system
-Send out commands that ‘immitates’ the pressing of an existing push button
What i would like to do is send commands directly to the modules (blind controllers, relays, led dimmers) without having to connect a push button module
If i understood the manual correcly sending out : 0F F8 09 02 05 01 A8 04 should trigger the first relay of the VMB4RYNO at address 9 but it doens’t. There’s nothing happening when i send out this command.
This packet is a “Blind Up” command, for address 09. With an incorrect checksum.
This is a “Switch Relay On” command, for relay 1 of a module at address 09.
If you want to know what a particular packet should look like, open VelbusLink, give the command to a module, and simply copy the resulting packet from the packet log.
VelbusLink also contains a packet creation tool and a checksum calculator (under the “Logging” tab to the right)
This packet is a “Blind Up” command, for address 09. With an incorrect checksum.
This is a “Switch Relay On” command, for relay 1 of a module at address 09.
If you want to know what a particular packet should look like, open VelbusLink, give the command to a module, and simply copy the resulting packet from the packet log.
VelbusLink also contains a packet creation tool and a checksum calculator (under the “Logging” tab to the right)[/quote]
Thank you, this is working.
However if i look at page 15 of the VMB4RYNO manual, it states that the command “02” is “‘Off’ with timers disabled”. I was looking for a toggle hence the “05” in my string. I did miscalculate the checksum indeed.