Rules double after each VMB1RYS read action

Each time I read the VMB1RYS module in my system, rules in the overview are added (copied).

Module was replaced today by a brand new one which has identical problem. Other modules in my system work correctly and read correctly.

Even with an empty project, things go wrong. Below is the project of my house. It shows correctly 3 rules at the VMB1RYS module.

After 1st readback of the module:

After the 2nd readback of the module:

Anyone having the same problem?
The “added” rules are identical to the existing, just not recognized to be THE SAME.

Velbuslink 10.4.3

Greetings Matthijs

Hi Matthijs,

This is a problem in VelbusLink, we’ll have a look at it.

Thanks for reporting!


Also means that the module that was send in for repair, most likely is not faulty.

Grt Matthijs

Hi Matthijs

We’ve localised and fixed the issue, a new version of VelbusLink (10.4.4) is available at

Wauw that is fast!
Gonna test right away.
Goed bezig mannen!
Issue on github then also can be closed.

Confirm that issue is gone. Reading works correctly now.

Groet Matthijs