Signum Cloud access and RGBW LED

I have a question about Signum V1. I have configured it completely with Home Assistant, but the cloud access is not working. I have enabled cloud access in Settings > Signum Cloud > Activating Cloud Access. However, when I go to Settings > System, it says beneath “network” that external access is disabled and clicking on Network gives me a blank screen. I have tried resetting the system via Home Assistant, but it did not work. I started with a completely empty Signum, and nothing was set up beforehand. Can someone help me with this issue?

I have an other question: How can I combine four different entities of RGBW LED strips connected to a VMB4DC into one lamp? I used MQTT and the Mosquito broker to write my own YAML in a previous HomeAssistant setup with an Asus Tinker Board, but this feature is disabled in Signum. Is there another way to create an RGBW lamp?

Hi, can you contact our help desk at with your Signum ID. Most likely this means that firewall or specific networks don’t allow communication with our cloud service. We can take a look in your situation.

We currently have that feature on our backlog but it is not implemented so far.