I would like to know if it is possible with Velbus (without the homecenter) to make a smart exhaust hood that is capable of:
- Detect when you are cooking and then opens a the valve. And adjust the speed of the ven to 50%
- Buttons for adjust the power of the HRV unit. 3 modes: normal 40%, 70% 100% (overrides the cooking sensor for 60min )
- Led feedback to see the valve is open and the fan speed of the HRV unit
- Detect when your finished with cooking and after 15 minutes closes the valve and if needed lower the fan speed to normal speed.
- Button to manualy override the cooking sensor for 60 min and opens the valve
- Button to manualy override the cooking sensor for 60 min and closes the valve and lower the fan to normal speed
with the following components:
VMB7IN 7-KANAALS INGANGSMODULE (for cooking sensor)
VMB4DC 4-KANAALS 0(1)…10V CONTROLLER (controlling the HRV unit)
VMB4RYNO 4-KANAALS RELAISMODULE (controlling the air valve)
VMB8PBU 8-KANAALS DRUKKNOPMODULE (connecting to the buttons on the exhaust hood)
Humidity sensor. (Does the VMB7IN also powers the module or do you need external power source? Does somebody know a good sensor for this purpose? When your cooking on electric then switching on the stove can also trigger a sensor. What kind of sensor this will be?)
led buttons or if possible use the led button on a default exhaust hood :ledswitches.co.uk/product/19mm-led-illuminated-brushed-steel-antivandal-switches/
electric air valve 230V bengshop.nl/detailitem.php?articletext=BARCOL+AIR+LUCHTKLEP+230V+150MM+&sess=&shop=4&lang=nl&art_id=13456783&caller=search&startlimit=0&lookfor=regelklep+luchtkanaal&lookfor2=&type=&class1=3558
HRV unit brinkclimatesystems.nl/getattachment/d45edf13-0f1a-4a42-87e1-ea0b9234d909/612010-Renovent-Excellent—Rev-C.aspx
(Heat recovery ventilation with two 1-10V inputs )