'snel verbinden' lukt niet

Hallo. Recent woning aangekocht met domotica via Velbus. Communicatie met vorige eigenaar verloopt moeilijk dus moet ik het meeste zelf uitzoeken. Ik heb ondertussen het project van de vorige eigenaar kunnen openen en inladen. Als ik dan klik op ‘snel verbinden’ krijg ik na enkele seconden: ‘de server heeft de verbinding verbroken’. Via ‘verbinden’ kan ik aanloggen maar enkel met de admin username en paswoord. Als ik daar het paswoord en usernaam ingeef die de vorige eigenaar mijn doorgaf krijg ik de melding ‘doorverbinden is niet mogelijk voor deze gebruiker’. Iemand enig idee waar het fout loopt? Eens ik dit opgelost heb kan ik dan eens een poging doen om het programmatie programma te gebruiken. Hopende op een reactie. Alvast hartelijk dank! Kim.

Excuse me replying in English.

We just need a little bit more information before we can help.

As there isn’t a username and password to access the Velbus modules, should we assume you mean you are trying to access something like HomeCenter?

@Homecenter Can you assist?

Or have you got a Signum interface?

Otherwise, if you mean you are trying to access your Velbus modules with the VelbusLink configuration software, can you tell us if you are using a USB cable?

You can always approach an installer in your area.

Check out this Velbus page


Hallo Kim,

Indien het inderdaad over een verbinding via Home center naar de Velbus installatie gaat, dan heeft de gebruiker die je invult onvoldoende permissie. Om de verbinding te kunnen doen moet je de ‘admin’ gebruiker van de Home center hebben die permissie heeft om rechtstreeks moet de Velbus modules te communiceren. Kan je hiermee verder?

Zover ik weet zal de ‘Snel verbinden’ optie niet werken voor Home center.

Meer details in over Home center gebruikers onze online basis training: https://www.homecenter.be/start Bij basisconfiguratie: Gebruikers aanmaken en rechten geven

@MDAR Thx for the ping :slight_smile: Sorry our online training is currently only in Dutch…

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Hallo! Dank voor de reactie! Ik heb ondertussen in VelbusLink al gevonden als ik naar ‘bestand’ en dan ‘projectinfo’ ga dat ik op de tab ‘verbinding’ niet alles heb ingevuld staan. Vandaar dus lijkt me dat ‘snel verbinden’ niet lukt. Hij vraagt daar voor de netwerkverbinding naar het IP adres en naar de poort. Enig idee hoe ik dit kan achterhalen? Eens ik dit correct heb gaat het verbinden volgens mij probleemloos lukken. Het deeltje eronder (IP adres en poort Homecenter) kon ik wel invullen, het ip adres kon ik probleemloos opzoeken en de poort heeft de vorige eigenaar mij laten weten.

Hi! No problem to reply in English and many thanks for the reply! The issue is that I have to enter the IP address and gate number for ‘network connection’ and I have no idea how to find this information… I also have to do this for ‘Homecenter’ en there I do have all the information I need so that part is not a problem.

Misschien nog toevoegen: als ik op jouw link klik (homecenter.be/start) dan zegt hij ‘searching home center in your LAN’. Maar dit blijft gewoon eeuwig duren. Hij vindt gewoonweg niets. De vorige eigenares had me onmiddellijk aangeraden dit te doen maar lijkt niet te werken :frowning: Ik ben echt een leek met dit alles dus ben beetje aan het sukkelen. Het minder leuke deel is wel dat ik mijn domotica momenteel (na 4 weken in dit huis te wonen) nog altijd niet volledig kan aansturen. Sommige dingen kan ik gelukkig wel al met de Homecenter app.


I’m al little concerned that the previous owner hasn’t left you with a fully operational property, is there no other way to control everything than via the HomeCentre app?

Do you not have any buttons or glass panels in the property?
(or is it that you do and you want to change the mode of operation?)

I’m going to assume that you only have a HomeCentre device on your LAN and no other TCP IP connections to your Velbus setup?

So you would connect VelbusLink by choosing “Connect to HomeCentre Server (TCP/IP)”
(Which I guess will be in Dutch for you)


Which should give you a screen that looks like this


The Port / Gate number should be 8445

and the admin credentials should be as the previous owner gave you.

Unless @Homecenter can help you reset you HomeCentre unit and get fresh credentials

The IP Address should be detectable with the Search button.

If that doesn’t work, I would suggest using a network scanning tool like

AngryIP scanner - https://angryip.org/
Advanced IP Scanner - https://www.advanced-ip-scanner.com/

Or any scanning app for Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.techet.netanalyzer.an
Which I is also available for iPhones ‎Network Analyzer: net tools on the App Store

You should be able to find your HomeCentre in the resulting list.

If all this fails and you can’t find anyone local to help (which I would be very surprised by) I would be happy to do some screen sharing and try to get you over the initial hurdles.


Communication with the previous owner(s) does not always goes that smooth as these people were in a divorce and had to sell the house because of that. We had very little information when we bought the house. In the meanwhile I sometimes have contact with one of the previous owners who at time to time tries to assist me via whatsapp. In this case she does not know how to help me sadly. I indeed did all the steps you have shown with the screenshot in your latest message to me. There I do have all the information to connect but I discovered that is not the only place where you have to enter important details to be able to connect. I’ve added an attachment to show you what I mean. I’m am looking how to find the IP address and gate number they request (circeled by me in red in the picture). Above it it says ‘netwerk verbinding’ or freely translated ‘network connection’. How do I find the IP and gate number to be entered there?

@Homecenter After my above mentioned issue has been fixed I do would really love to get fresh credentials so I can stop using the current login and password (the ones used by the previous owners). Would be really great if you would be able to assist me with that! Thanks, Kim.

Guys never mind… I suddenly got in! IP and gate were the same as from the Homemcenter IP and gate. Kinda was sure I’ve tried that before and it did not work then… But after 4 weeks I’m not able to say it shows ‘connected’ so I hope the previous owner will help me al little bit with showing how to program everything. Sorry to have disturb you guys and I really appreciate the time you guys took to try to help me out. @Homecenter as mentioned before I do would really want to change the current login and password (the ones the previous users had in place and now still are in place). Can you direct me how to do that? Many thanks! Kim

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I’m delighted to hear that you’ve got a live connection now.

There are two parts to your Velbus home setup.

The Velbus building control hardware (light switches, Thermostats, relays and dimmers) are all configured via VelbusLink.

If you need help with this, there are various tutorials on the web and Velbus run (mostly free) training days in Gent.

Once the physical hardware is setup how you want it, software platforms like HomeCenter come into play to give you access via a mobile phone / tablet / computer.

These platforms can be very simple or extremely complex, depending on your individual needs.

The real beauty of Velbus is that you’re not locked into any single software platform.

As a distributor, I have at least three different systems running with my home network just so I can evaluate them and be able to recommend them best option for each client.

Which reminds me, maybe I should upgrade my @Homecenter to the latest version.

Good luck with your home, the forum community and the team at Velbus are here to help you get you what you want.

Best wishes,