I try to find out how the Velbus system works because we started building our home and I want to install the electrical system using Velbus.
I have in mind to install the OLED touch panels in all rooms and use them (next to controlling the light) for controlling the sun screens and heating.
In the specification sheet on the Velbus website I found that a temperature sensor is build in those OLED panels, so in theory it should work.
But I was wondering if such a sensor is fast enough for this purpose because the panels are closed once built in. To measure temperature exactly I was expecting a system where air flow can pass trough.
Does anyone have experience with building a thermostat using such a OLED panel? Does it all work well?
wow, that’s a cool project you have over there! Thanks for your input!
I’ll start with ordering some stuff asap such as a switch and a relay to play a bit first.
It’s a work in progress, but proving to be a very useful sales tool.
If your looking at buying a kit to put Velbus through some tests, may I suggest you buy…
VMBGPOx (for which you’ll need a mounting plate, but these are only sold in packs of 5, let me know if you only want one and I’ll pop a free one in the post to you)
Your local supplier should be able to get all that for you, if you have any problems at all finding a supplier, please drop me a line.
The temperature sensor in the glass panels is not enclosed, but mounted behind an opening at the lower left corner (invisible behind the border of the glass, of course). So no need to worry about air flow, it does work very well, as already mentioned here.