Velbus Write address command


Can someone clarify the Write address command.

If i change the address of a module by software it issues the following command :

0F F9 02 07 6A 22 00 00 20 00 00 53 04

0F = Start of Frame
F9 = Firmware
02 = Acual address
07 = # of bytes
6A = Wrtie Address
22 = ??
00 = ??
00 = ??
20 = New Address
00 = ??
00 = ??
53 = Checksum
04 = End of Frame

Can someone fill in the blanks ?


0F Start of frame F9 Priority: Firmware 02 Address: 2 (hex) 07 RTR: OFF / Data bytes: 7 6A Command: Write address 22 Module type: VMB7IN 00 Old serial number (high byte) 00 Old serial number (low byte) 20 New address: 20 (hex) 00 New serial number (high byte) 00 New serial number (low byte) 53 Checksum 04 End of frame (Serial number needs to be correct)

I ask for help if there is to support the ability to send command to activate relay from an html page: command type 0ff8000400010000f404 to a listening server which in turn sends the command to the serial port connected to VELBUS? thanks paolo