VMB1BL and VMB2BL same button for up/down

I just want to know exactly how it works:

  1. one press will raise the blind up completely and another press will lower it down?
  2. one press will raise the blind up while pressed (stop when released) and another press will lower it down while pressed (stop when released) ?
  3. one press will raise it up …, another press stops it and a third press lowers it down again?

Same when using VMB4PD?



Please answer with 1, 2 or 3 choice :neutral_face:


1: correct
2: correct
3: correct

Same when using VMB4PD: yes

You can configure it for all three possibilities

  1. By using the immediately up and immediately down functions
  2. This is the normal behavior of the up/down function
  3. This is also the normal behavior of the up/down function

1 and 3 are not compatible

Thanks VEL448 and VEL417.

So, if I use only one putton on VMP4PD or VMB8PB in answer 3 :

  • first short press will raise up the blind
  • second short press will stop any raise (don’t wait for timeout)
  • third short press will raise down the blind

Is it possible to have an other action with long press ?

No, modules don’t differentiate between long and short presses

Ok then which use for long press? only relay maintaining? (Relay = push button state)…?

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say

Well, Velbus protocol show that WMB4PD could send 3 kinds of message :
[ul]]Button pressed/:m]
]Button long press (65mS and more long time)/:m]
]Button released/:m][/ul]

Then, I would to knows where/when button “long press” is useful ?
[ul]]Ring ? (the bell will ring as long as I press the button)/:m]
]Raise up blind ? (the blind will raise up as long as I press the button. When released, the blind stop)/:m]
]Light ? (short press for ON/OFF and long press to change dimmer value)/:m][/ul]

So in resume, what kind of applications (modules) are using “Button long press” ?



Or for example an all off button that needs to be pressed for say 3 seconds before it actually switches everything off.

Everything depends on how you configure your modules. The first two examples i quoted here will only work if configured as such.