Je souhaite commander mes volets électriques via Velbus mais aussi donner la possibilité de commander ces volets via des commandes poussoir de type NIKO ( double poussoir de référence 170-15905 par exemple ).
Dans ce but, j’avais pensé câbler le VMB1BLS en raccordant le bus et la commande manuelle comme ci-dessous. Mais le problème est que la documentation indique que l’on ne peut câbler le module qu’en mode Standalone ou en mode Bus. La documentation ne parle pas d’un mode mixte sans pour autant l’interdire.
Ma question est de savoir si cette façon de faire , donc câbler en mode mixte, est envisageable et/ou si cela présente un danger ou un risque pour le moteur ou le module.
Je vous remercie pour toute réponse.
Bien à vous
Voici ce que je compte faire :
Ok ! Thank you very much ! In the meantime I built a benchtest with some breadboard, led diodes and two micro push button ( I was so impatient ). And the module is working as expected ! I’m very glad. However, I’m very curious with your modified diagram, as I’m novice in VELBUS and can always be mistaken
Hello, I wanted to thank you to all for your answers !
In fact, the documentation was a little ambiguous for me and so, I needed some clarifications to be sure to not blow the module or the blind motor, we never know .
The thing to know is that the local buttons can only control the local blind, they will not be available as assets in VelbusLink to use to trigger other thing.
Good luck.
Please come back to the forum with pictures of your installation, I’m sure we would all love to commend you on your efforts.
Thank you, this is indeed exactly what I will do. I’m well aware that the push button of the module will only be able to control the local blind. And more, this is simply the reason why I bought these kind of modules : to have a local command like a classic electric shutter installation. So the goal is reached .
For the moment, my home is under construction, I’m currently wiring electricity and all still many other things. Again a lot of work before I finish but yes, I will let you know about the installation when the moment will come, asap I hope ( if the COVID19 situation let me buy all materials I need to go on, but I beleive, I prefer to be optimist ).