VMB4PD as menu (computer controlled)

Initial config :
BP1 = next
BP2 = kitchen light
BP3 = exterior light
BP4 = bedroom light

Is it possible to change dynamicaly each function when pressing BP1 (next) ?
BP1 = next
BP2 = bedroom 2 light
BP3 = garage light
BP4 = corridor light

then BP1 to have an other page
BP1 = next
BP2 = garden light
BP4 = -


I want to have a VMB4PD able to control all the house.

I’m afraid that is absolutely not possible because of the way Velbus works… There are 8 buttons though, so that gives you quite a bit of control.


If you use a service to catch when the “Next” button is pressed you can rewrite the display of the VMB4PD to the next values and handle all buttons in software.
It’s going to take some programming but it’s possible I guess.

I was looking at something like this to have different functions for the buttons depending on the scene.
FI: scene “Watching TV” results in other buttons then scene “Cooking”…
When you use a combination of velbus hardware and a software service possibilities are endless.
Word of warning thou, when the service is offline your buttons won’t work…

edit: A last thought, if you only use the first page of the VMB4PD for your custom buttons you could use the second page with velbus programmed buttons as a “hardwired” backup so you still have some functionality left if the service goes offline.

You would have to clear the memory of each module (VMB4RY, etc) to prevent them from reacting to a button. Once this is done you would need a piece of software that listens for button presses and does the appropriate action.

But then indeed your single point of failure would be your software and the PC it’s installed on.

[quote=“VEL448”]You would have to clear the memory of each module (VMB4RY, etc) to prevent them from reacting to a button. Once this is done you would need a piece of software that listens for button presses and does the appropriate action.

But then indeed your single point of failure would be your software and the PC it’s installed on.[/quote]

That’s what I guessed.

So, Velbuslink 7 is able to make a backup of 2 configurations ?
Example : 1 backup of each modules in “controlled mode by Artificial Intelligence” and a default backup where WMB4PD got it own intelligence ?

Many thanks,

No you can just backup the current config of your modules.
What I meant was using the first page of the VMB4PD as software controlled buttons (actions deleted from other modules and a software service that catches the keypresses and sends out the correct command on the bus) and the second page buttons programmed in the other modules.

For example:

First page:
BP1 = next
BP2 = kitchen light
BP3 = exterior light
BP4 = bedroom light
If you click next your software service rewrites the labels and stores the “custom page” you are on, if you click another button your software looks up what “custom page” is active and what the button should control and sends the correct command on the bus.
These buttons aren’t linked to other modules and won’t work without the software service.

Second page:
BP5 = garden light
BP6 = kitchen light
BP7 = exterior light
BP8 = bedroom light
These buttons are programmed in the other modules (via Velbus Software) so if your software service fails you can still control your installation with this buttons.

[quote=“Golfy”]So, Velbuslink 7 is able to make a backup of 2 configurations ?
Example : 1 backup of each modules in “controlled mode by Artificial Intelligence” and a default backup where WMB4PD got it own intelligence?[/quote]

VelbusLink can make an unlimited number of backups, just put your backup in a different folder since the backups have a fixed filename.

I used the second screen as an audio control. here’s a video of it: youtube.com/watch?v=x06cmUkxKYQ

Nice application GerSt :astonished:
Your computer (media center) react to Velbus command by your application ?

Great !