
i’ve upgraded the dimmer module VMBDMI to the firmware 1410 and since then i takes about 3sec before the lights go ‘on’. It is not such a big problem but sometimes i think i didn’t push enough on the button … so puch again and the lights doesn’t go ‘on’ then !

Do you use the latest Velbuslink (9.32 at the time of writing this)?

Also, after upgrading, you need to rewrite the module (sync > write, deactivate “only write changes” and make sure the VMBDMI is selected).

Yes, i was using the 9.32 version. Today i’ve upgraded to the new 9.41 release, put back the VMBDMI to the ‘factory settings’, then rewrite the configuration into the module but the result is the same.
I takes about 3sec before the lights go ‘on’.

May be related to the “resistive”/“inductive” setting in the configurations also? Try changing that and see what happens…

Tried both settings but the problem stays. Also was the master/slave box checked in the advanced settings tab, i’ve unchecked this but no result.

It may have been a bug in Velbuslink 9.32.
Download the latest Velbuslink from velbus.eu (direct link; it says 9.41 on the website but actually there’s a 9.42 in the zip-file), and do

  • a firmware upgrade of the VMBDMI (to 1514 normally)
  • set to factory defaults
  • a full write of the module (uncheck in the sync dialog the “only write changes” option)

After that, change in the module configuration settings whatever needs to be changed, write those changes, and test.

Sorry, but this didn’t solv the problem. I followed the steps exactly. I think this has to do with the firmware of the VMBDMI because the problem started when I upgraded the VMBDMI to the firmware 1410. With the 1514 I still have the problem.

I have the same problem.
VMBDMI build 1201 doesn’t have any problem nor terminator set automatically
VMBDMI build 1514 has a automatic terminator set in Velbuslink 9.42. When switching on the lamp, it dims up to 1% for 3 seconds then dims up at preset atmospheric dim value

Here is the log of VMBDMI address 09:

23/09/2015 20:54:49:326 RECV 0F FB 09 08 B8 01 20 00 00 00 00 00 0C 04
23/09/2015 20:54:49:525 RECV 0F FB 8E 02 F8 01 6D 04
23/09/2015 20:54:49:525 RECV 0F FB 78 02 F8 02 82 04
23/09/2015 20:54:49:526 RECV 0F FB 78 02 F8 20 64 04
23/09/2015 20:54:49:526 RECV 0F FB 78 02 F8 40 44 04
23/09/2015 20:54:49:526 RECV 0F FB 24 02 F8 10 C8 04
23/09/2015 20:54:49:526 RECV 0F FB 42 02 F8 02 B8 04
23/09/2015 20:54:49:526 RECV 0F FB 09 08 B8 01 20 01 20 00 00 00 EB 04
23/09/2015 20:54:49:544 RECV 0F F8 09 04 00 01 00 00 EB 04
23/09/2015 20:54:52:674 RECV 0F FB 09 08 B8 01 20 02 20 00 00 00 EA 04
23/09/2015 20:54:52:977 RECV 0F FB 8E 02 F6 01 6F 04
23/09/2015 20:54:53:177 RECV 0F FB 78 02 F6 02 84 04
23/09/2015 20:54:53:177 RECV 0F FB 78 02 F6 20 66 04
23/09/2015 20:54:53:177 RECV 0F FB 78 02 F6 40 46 04
23/09/2015 20:54:53:178 RECV 0F FB 24 02 F6 10 CA 04
23/09/2015 20:54:53:178 RECV 0F FB 42 02 F6 02 BA 04
23/09/2015 20:54:54:663 RECV 0F FB 09 08 B8 01 20 19 80 00 00 00 73 04
23/09/2015 20:55:35:317 RECV 0F F8 E0 04 00 00 10 00 05 04

We can reproduce this problem as you describe it, and solve this problem with the following procedure:

Make sure you are using VelbusLink 9.42, which can be downloaded here:
velbus.eu/downloads/velbusli … urrent.zip

Please re-download it and install.

Then perform the following steps on the module:

  • Reset the module to factory defaults (right-click the module, select Factory Defaults)
  • Perform a full write of the module (select the module, and press CTRL+W)

unfortunatly the proposed solution didn’t work in my case… but i think i found the solution.
The fault is written in the VLP file, this means that reloading this file after a factory reset or firmware upgrade the fault also reloads to the module.

The solution, i propose, is a bit more work (you have to write the whole modules configuration on paper, could take a screenshot but times and dim% aren’t shown in this stage) :

First i did a firmware upgrade to the build 1514 (even when it was in this build), then i read the module into the VLP file, the ‘terminator’ is now disappeared in the vlp file. At this stage you may not reload the VLP file from disk because then the terminator is back and the problem also !
You have to reconfigure the whole module manually (write the configuration on a paper before you start !), write it to the module and save the VLP file… now the terminator in the screen is disappeared and the problem also.

I’ve tested this with two modules and they both works fine again, another 11 to go. Will write first al the configuration down (is there a way to export this to a tekst file ?? i don’t think).
If someone has a quicker solution… don’t hesitate to tell.


Resetting the settings to factory defaults will not solve the problem if you write your old project settings afterwards. You will indeed need to manually configure the module after the reset and save/write all settings.

ok, this procedure works also for me! Thanks

To save the configuration on a text file, I print (File menu) my configuration to a pdf file then I open and print the sheet with the VMBDMI module then I write manually the action’s values (%, time…) next to each action.

What I don’t understand is why the actions of the module are deleted in Velbuslink after a firmware upgrade…