Several of my VMBGP touch panels do not fit well in the VMBGPFS support.
It happens that only 1 or 2 corners clip properly.
Is it something that others have also experienced? How to improve this?
Thank you
Several of my VMBGP touch panels do not fit well in the VMBGPFS support.
It happens that only 1 or 2 corners clip properly.
Is it something that others have also experienced? How to improve this?
Thank you
It is a very tight fit.
Can you check that the VMBGPFS are perfectly flat?
Any warp will cause the panel(s) to pop out.
Releasing / unscrewing the frame a little can allow them to find a level. (You can always pack out the gap if needed later)
In extreme cases, it could just be that the holes for the glass panel tangs need opening up just a tiny bit.
Put a flat blade screwdriver in there and give it the tiniest twist.
Just to release them enough so that the barb on the tang gets a little deeper in and can be held in place.
Thank you for your reply.
Indeed, I noticed that the VMBGPFS are not perflectly flat… I’ll try to correct that first before trying to enlarge the holes in the frame.
In the not-working frame, there were 2 holes in which the OLED did not fit (even unmounted from the wall), although visually they looked fine.
I changed the frame with a new one and now it works.
Thanks for your reply.