
sinds vandaag heb ik de modules ontvangen maar ik krijg de temp censor van de module niet werkend met de huidige temperatuur module VMB1TC

dus ik kan geen waardes uitlezen

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The VMB1TC is temperature controller, not a sensor a.f.i.k.

yes but i cannot control the censor from the glaspannel with it

Ah, ok. Sorry but no manual available at the moment it seems.

Can you check the sensor with the Velbus software?

yes, but it seems that the new temp sensors from the glas pannels only works with the new oled glas pannels
and i have not received them yes :frowning:


is there planning of making plates for the glas pannels becaus now they stick out 1cm out of the wall

The fact the the glass panels seem to ‘float’ about 1cm above the wall was a design goal, so sorry, there is no means of mounting them flush with the wall.