Does anyone have experience with the memo text function?
In the VMBGPOD PROTOCOL documentation the memo text function is described as
SID10-SID9 = 11 (lowest priority)
SID8…SID1 = Module address
RTR = 0
DLC3…DLC0 = number of databytes to send
DATABYTE2 = don’t care
DATABYTE3 = text start position
DATABYTE4 = character 1
DATABYTE5 = character 2
DATABYTE6 = character 3
DATABYTE7 = character 4
DATABYTE8 = character 5
What values should be used for the characters , ascii?
It also specifies the last character must be zero.
Is this for each packet or the last character in the total string you want to display.
Does anyone have some examples of data packets on how to use this?
The characters must be in ascii format.
A string can have a maximum of 63 characters and ends with a null termination character.
They must be send by subpackets of 5 characters.