Have a problem with a VMB4RY.
For some time , is it no longer possible to write to my VMB4RY ( type 0651 ),
Read works all right.
I have already tried the following :
Address Change > problem remains
Put voltage of > Trouble continues
Try to convert factory settings > impossible
Does anyone else have a idea what I can do , or may be the module is broken ?
Please explain the problem first, why is it impossible to apply factory settings and why is it impossible to write to your VMB4RY? Do you get a timeout, an error, …
Can you write other modules?
Can you write other modules after trying to write the VMB4RY?
error message:
Synchronization failed for module 22 ; retry ?: YES - NO - CANCEL
(this is the only message I get)
for the other modules, there’s no problem, they work like they should.
Even when i tried to write into the module 22, I still can use the other ones, without a problem.
I can’t reset to factory settings, because I can’t write in the module.
Even when I read the module, and try write in it, I get the same syntax error.