Another device online: VMB7IN and connected Finder meter. Unfortunately the electrician misunderstood me, so the meter only measures what the house is consuming, but not what the solar panels are producing. I’m not sure if it’'s worth to change the wiring - I’m getting tons of info from the inverter and I’m not planning to use the Edge controllers… Advice? I want to optimise own consumption (switch X on when power reaches X kW, switch this when, etc) , but the logic is not developed yet (in my head )
Cabling is messy - an old house being fixed cable by cable…
The settings are 500 pulses/kWh .The Finder meter has 1000 pulses/kWh on the front panel, but it’s related to the blinking led, not to the S01 output. S0@ is configurable according to the docs, but I can’t find how. the default seems to be 500 pulses/kWh as well, but I can’t confir it for sure yet.
P.S. I just noticed Litres s unit on the counters in VelbusLink My water meter with pulse output is on the way