I created a pull request for a Velbus binding for OpenHAB.
It still has to be reviewed and merged, but you can already try it by putting the compiled jar in your OpenHAB addons folder.
The readme file can be found here.
I added all Velbus modules that I was currently able to test.
Please tell me if you are interested in other modules, I can add them if you are able to test them.
Yes, a log file would help.
On Windows you can find it under …\openHAB2\userdata\logs\openhab.log
On Linux the log file will probably be under /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log
The log doesn’t show any problems, so maybe the binding is sending a wrong command to the vmb1dm.
You can send 2 different commands, an ON/OFF command with a switch, and a Percentage command with a slider.
Are both commands not working, or only one of them?
What could also help is if you go to the Logging-tab in VelbusLink, clear the log, perform the action directly on your vmb1dm through VelbusLink and save this log. That way I’ll be able to compare a correctly generated packet with the one that the OpenHAB binding is generating.
Note that you might have to upgrade OpenHAB to the latest snapshot, as it already contains some other changes.
(If the OpenHAB log mentions something about “javax.measure” not being found, this means you will have to upgrade)
Due to another change the channel names on your “Things” will probably also be gone.
To fix this you can simply delete all things except the “Bridge”, and re-discover them again through the inbox.
As you keep the “Bridge”-thing your items configuration will stay the same.