Velbus binding for OpenHAB


If anyone is interested, I’ve just pasted a simple DSL rule to the openHAB2 community forum that links a Cooler channel of a glass panel to an chiller “switch”.
(Using openHAB2 as the bridge between the two hardware platforms)

I thought people here might find it useful.

This same process is easy enough to achieve in NodeRed.
When I get 2 minutes, I’ll add it to the openHAB2 post.

I currently have a problem with either Openhab or the Velbus VMB8PBU module.
I think I correctly set the alarm clock variables but this isn’t correctly set to the module (when I check in VelbusLink hence alarm action isn’t executed).

I also notices something strange in the logs, apparently another VMB8PBU module receives the “enable alarm” trigger.
I think we have 2 seperate issues - alarm hours & minutes not correctly set and “enable alarm” is also behaving strange. Did I do something wrong or forgot to set something (note: in VelbusLink I enabled program 1, and used the alarm to trigger an input).

code and log below:

2019-08-11 21:30:19.028 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘F0_BU_VB_8PBU2B_AL1_WAKEUPHOUR’ received command 5

2019-08-11 21:30:19.034 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - F0_BU_VB_8PBU2B_AL1_WAKEUPHOUR predicted to become 5

2019-08-11 21:30:19.044 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘F0_BU_VB_8PBU2B_AL1_WAKEUPMINUTE’ received command 26

2019-08-11 21:30:19.049 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - F0_BU_VB_8PBU2B_AL1_WAKEUPHOUR changed from 13 to 5

2019-08-11 21:30:19.057 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - F0_BU_VB_8PBU2B_AL1_WAKEUPMINUTE predicted to become 26

2019-08-11 21:30:19.067 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - F0_BU_VB_8PBU2B_AL1_WAKEUPMINUTE changed from 2 to 26

2019-08-11 21:30:19.070 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘F0_BU_VB_8PBU2B_AL1_ENABLED’ received command ON

2019-08-11 21:30:19.073 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - F0_BU_VB_8PBU2B_AL1_ENABLED predicted to become ON

2019-08-11 21:30:19.271 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - F2_TE_VB_8PBU3B_AL1_ENABLED changed from OFF to ON

Code snipper:
F0_BU_VB_8PBU2B_AL1_WAKEUPHOUR.sendCommand(F0_BU_OH_VAR_NUM_HOURS.state as Number)
F0_BU_VB_8PBU2B_AL1_WAKEUPMINUTE.sendCommand(F0_BU_OH_VAR_NUM_MINUTES.state as Number)



Just double checking…

Are you synchroning VelbusLink by “reading the new values” back from the VMB8PBU Module into VelbusLink before you look at them again?

Were you able to set the time/hours alarm parameters in GitHub trait “Alarm Type inverted #10” ?
Main difference is the module Edge Lit Oled vs 8PBU what’s I’m trying to configure.

Upon reaching the new time configured, no action happens and of course I do sync-read before I check in Velbuslink.
This makes me wondering, since its not an “action” … is the command .sendCommand() enough?
Possibly we need a “sync-write” action to store the new values in the velbus module flash.
Can we check if this alarm variables are potentially “read-only”?

No worries in this case I wll deep dive in openhab persistence section. (not a lot of experience with SQL database etc, but also usefull for trending/historical info from sensors etc) and non-velbus variables I would like to store.

I’m confused by what you’re asking.

Updating / changing the hour or minutes of an alarm time should be no different from updating anything else.

So yes, if you’re using DSL rules, this would work.


I haven’t used Rules to change the time values, but I regularly use paperUI & HabPanel.
I’ll assume that BasicUI works the same way.

So to divide the issue into two…

If you ONLY set the alarm time in VelbusLink, do the correct actions happen at the set times?

After that,

When you set a new time in the VMB8PBU, is it shown correctly in openHAB2? (PaperUI can take some time to update, but HabPanel seems almost instant)

@cedricb are the VMBEL modules still in the running to be implemented in your openhab addon?
I’m always in to do some alpha testing :slight_smile:


Same question for me. Just purchased some VMBEL4 modules. Did not realize these are not supported ny openhab yet.

So, please… :wink:

Grtz matthijs


Cédric has added limited support for the Edge Lit panels into his very latest version of his binding.
However, it’s very much a “work in progress”, as you can imagine there is a lot of work to do to include all the lovely features.

I’m trying to setup a openhab with a raspberry pi 3. Installed raspbian and beside openhab.
Already this far:

but I don’t get a sitemap although I created one in /etc/openHAB2/sitemaps

What i’m doing wrong here?

I would suggest looking at using HabPanel instead, as I find it much easier to create a UI in.

Alternatively, may I suggest posting your question in the openHAB2 community forum, where you’ll get many more openHAB2 users giving advice.


I’ve been working on some widgets for use primarily with the Velbus hardware, but there’s no reason why they couldn’t be used with other hardware.
Many thanks to @tomvancutsem for his amazing efforts, all I’ve done is tweak this to make it easier to deploy.




I’ve created two versions of the Widget, one that uses the default names that are created in PaperUI when Items are added to Things, and one that requires Items to be names according to the Widget requirements.

My thoughts are that either will work, but just depend on how people want to work.

They are both in this zip file -

These are the notes that are in the zip file, to help with naming conventions

All elements are taken from the Room name with following suffixes

Where Items are Numbers only, not Number:Temperature (or strings and switches)

IE, Room name = Lounge

Current Temperature = Lounge_CurrentTemperature
Current Target Temperature = Lounge_CurrentTargetTemperature
Operating Mode = Lounge_ThermostatOperatingMode
Current Mode = Lounge_ThermostatMode
Heating Relay = Lounge_HeatingRelay
Cooling Relay = Lounge_CoolingRelay
Heating Mode Antifrost target = Lounge_HeatingAntifrostTarget
Heating Mode Night target = Lounge_HeatingNightTarget
Heating Mode Day target = Lounge_HeatingDayTarget
Heating Mode Comfort target = Lounge_HeatingComfortTarget
Cooling Mode Antifreeze target = Lounge_CoolingSafeTarget
Cooling Mode Night target = Lounge_CoolingNightTarget
Cooling Mode Day target = Lounge_CoolingDayTarget
Cooling Mode Comfort target = Lounge_CoolingComfortTarget

Notes for Streamlined Thermostat with Velbus Default Names, where Items are Numbers only, not Number:Temperature (or strings and switches)

Heating Relay = Lounge_HeatingRelay
Cooling Relay = Lounge_CoolingRelay

Current Temperature = Lounge_CurrentTemperature Watch out for this one, as default would be Lounge_Input_Lounge

Current Target Temperature = Lounge_Thermostat_CurrentTemperatureSetpoint
Operating Mode = Lounge_Thermostat_OperatingMode
Current Mode = Lounge_Thermostat_Mode
Heating Mode Antifrost target = Lounge_Thermostat_HeatingModeAntifrostTemperatureSetpoint
Heating Mode Night target = Lounge_Thermostat_HeatingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint
Heating Mode Day target = Lounge_Thermostat_HeatingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint
Heating Mode Comfort target = Lounge_Thermostat_HeatingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint
Cooling Mode Antifreeze target = Lounge_Thermostat_CoolingModeSafeTemperatureSetpoint
Cooling Mode Night target = Lounge_Thermostat_CoolingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint
Cooling Mode Day target = Lounge_Thermostat_CoolingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint
Cooling Mode Comfort target = Lounge_Thermostat_CoolingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint

I’ve also been working on tweaking an alarm clock widget, so that it works well with the Velbus alarms, please take a look at this forum post on the openHAB community site

checking in to investigate progress on VBM1TS integration. Possibly more a github question, but I spotted some updates in the source files
“Added support for the VMB1TS (#4)”
It is possible to generate a new JAR file for testing purpose? Can you explain me how to locally compile?
In the ideal world alternatively using your script to facilitate updating the velbus binding, but I believe this refers to the official release from 2019 Feb 3rd.
(if not stable or released, happy to take the risk for testing purpose)

General question: Also OpenHab is going for 2.5 release, I assume/hope the velbus binding is still compatible in 2.x releases?


My apologies, I thought we posted about the VMB1TS being up and running in a development version that Cédric is working on.

You can access it by downloading and running this script.

sudo wget

sudo sh

Just make sure you only have 1 binding running in openHAB2

By accessing the Karaf console and checking the bundle list

openhab-cli console
bundle:list | grep Velbus

I’ve got this binding running on a 2.4 version and a 2.5 :slight_smile:

Does that help you?


Thanks a lot for the clear instructions. I think the script/update was successful as I’m able to manually add the VMB1TS, unfortunately something is wrong at my setup, since after the works the blinds and meteo are not responding anymore / though relais/input modules are still reacting. I initially assumed a bus error but the windows velbuslink is still able to discover them all. The output of Karaf console can be found below (it looks indeed i’m running 2x the velbus binding). What the best troubleshooting action now? (remove the velbus binding from PaperUI and start again?)

A view on the current status of the Openhab Things:


I suspected that might happen, which is why I said you check that you only have 1 bundle loaded.

The 2.4 version should vanish if you reboot, or you can remove it from the database (because the JAR file was deleted by the script) by simply starting the Karaf console and entering (in your specific case, other people will have a different number)

bundle:uninstall 219

“” is the development version, there are a few bugs in it, which I’m sure Cédric will address when he has time.

You may need to disable and re-enable the Velbus Network Bridge (or serial) bridge to force and update of all of your Velbus modules within openHAB2.

I find it easiest to do this in PaperUI, by clicking on the clock symbol (again after a pause of a few seconds)

Almost there … all modules working again after removing v2.4 and VMB1TS is now auto discovering/recognized in “inbox”, but for some reason not “online” yet (despite reboots, disabling serial bridge, reinstalling serial bridge)… sorry but still some hints required? Any minimum prerequirements with respect to firmware level ?
Thanks a lot

Now there’s a good question.

I’m sure it has been working, but now even mine is showing similar

With a very different build / firmware version and serial number than is shown in VelbusLink


I think this is something that @cedricb needs to work his magic on, we may have to wait patiently, as he is extremely busy.



Cédric has worked his magic again and the VMB1TS appears to be working correctly now :smile:

Please stop openHAB2

Run the script

start openHAB2

double check in Karaf that there is only the latest version running

openhab-cli console

bundle:list | grep elbus

If you have any other bundle versions loaded, just remove them

 bundle:uninstall {NUMBER} 

Please let us know how you get on :smile:

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Dear MDAR & Cedric,
Thank you very much for the successful development of the integration of the 1TS module
Initial tests are looking great, working like a charm.

Note to all: I purchased the velbus system back in 2009 (yes 11 years ago). Interesting to see all modules are still backwards compatible and even new developments are made for this older module.
That’s what I call a perfect service and I never regret my good decision to select Velbus.
I hope this convinces new buyers as well !

Kind Regards,


My vmb1ts thermostats are working in openhab, but since the update it looks I a have problems with the connection with velbuslink and openahab at the same time, I’m loosing modules or it takes very long time to detect them in velbuslink and in openhab. Is somebody have the same?