VMB6PB-20 <--> Hörmann Supramatic E7

Hi all,

I’m trying to install the new VMB6PB-20 onto my Hörmann Supramatic E7 based on this thread.
However the garage door opener is slighty different and the module I’m trying to use was also not tested in that thread.
This is how I connected the wires

and this is what I changed in VelbusLink.

Thanks in advance for your replies and helping me to get this working!


How much functionality have you achieved so far?

This will help us guide you in the right direction.

@MDAR First of all, I’m sorry for the extremely late response. I’ve been busy with work and I’ve been on vacation as well. I haven’t managed to get anything working at all :sweat_smile: I will give you the instruction manual of my garage door.
How does the VMB6PB-20 work exactly? Does it map the output LEDs to the Push Button or vice versa?
Anyway thanks in advance for your help!